Indexing & Query Optimization

by Kevin Hanson, Solutions Architect, 10gen

High level

  • What’s an index and why do we need one?
  • As we insert data into MongoDB, we store that as a linked list
  • So if you search for something in 7 documents, it has to search in all 7 of them

Creating indexes in MongoDB

  • You can index anything
  • All docs have an _id field that is auto-indexed
  • new indexes:{author: "James", ts: new Date()})
db.blogs.ensureIndex({Author: 1, ts:-1})

Things to know about indexes

  • Slows down writes
  • But speeds up reads!
  • Forces uniqueness on a title


TODO - check that we don’t have dupe titles

Covered Index

  • Query resolved in index only
  • Eliminated need to pull documents from DB
  • NEed to exclude _id from items projected.{

db.blogs.ensureIndex({author: 1, editor: 1});
db.blogs.find({author}) // TODO finish this

Spare Index

  • Key value included if and only if the value is present
  • Reduces the size of index
  • Limited to a single field
// TODO fill this out

Unique Sparse Index

  • Key value included if and only if the value is present
  • Reduces the size of index
  • Limited to a single field
  • Null and not-present are different
// TODO fill this out

Geospation indexes

  • Geo hash stored in B-Tree
  • First two values indexed

Query Performance Analysis


Speaker had to go super fast here because he kept answering questions. This is why you ask people to wait for the Q&A at the end.